
Muharrem Salihu

Dear fellow citizens of Medvedja,
We are blessed that our beloved Medvedja, our homeland, and our origin have endless beauty, possessing unique wealth both above and below the ground, with naturally fertile land and proud mountains, and hospitable and kind-hearted people… The love for Medvedja was born with us, and every day our homeland continues to generously give everything it has to all of us, never asking for anything in return. Medvedja is the land that taught us to love our country, our homeland, and humanity; it is here that we learned our first lessons and opened the path to gaining knowledge. Its children can now be found everywhere, as hardworking citizens of civilized society and skilled professionals in various fields, including renowned workers, teachers, engineers, architects, lawyers, doctors, scientists, academics, and entrepreneurs. Many injustices have been done to Medvedja in recent years; much of our natural wealth has been destroyed and nearly eradicated, and unfortunately, this negative trend of destruction continues. Before our very eyes, magnificent forests are being mercilessly destroyed, precious minerals are being plundered, and the rural infrastructure is constantly degrading.
The pain grows when we see and feel that, with each passing day, Medvedja is losing its future, threatened by a general collapse and lack of prospects for our youth.
For me personally, investing in my hometown has been a lifelong dream and duty. I hope this new sock factory will serve as an example and open doors for many other fellow citizens to increase investments and revitalize our Medvedja, for the greater good of all its citizens.